Sunday, March 7, 2010

justWEIGHT – Mar. 7 – Week #9 – Day #7(Day 66 of 365 same weight) Total loss 9.2, 42.8 to go!

Beginning my third month of the justWEIGHT plan had me very excited. The first month was a total loss of 7.4 pounds. That is magnificent! I had some struggles, but did very well and lost good, solid weight. Month #2 was a very different story in that I lost only 2.8 pounds for the month. I am still right on track with my goal of losing an average of a pound a week, but now am even on my weight loss track rather than ahead. What happened in that second month? Had I not been blogging and talking with you every day, I might not know the answer. But it is perfectly clear. It’s in black and white and fully documented. If you have followed this blog you know that there have been days I really wanted to throw in the towel and go back to my stash of sugar. Some days I did, but mostly I just rationalized that it would be okay to eat just a little bit more, or just eat this instead of that. Did I know when I was doing that? You bet your booties I did. Part of the problem was that losing that extra 3 pounds the first month gave me way too much cushion in my zone. I became lax and oblivious, always thinking I had room to roam. When I realized I have lost only 2.8 pounds in the second month, reality came screaming in with a vengeance. Today’s very appropriate message - A Worthwhile Mission

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