Friday, February 19, 2010

justWEIGHT – Feb. 19 – Three day break… Total loss 9.0, 43 to go!

I am taking a three day break from the justWEIGHT plan for a very simple reason… I began this journey on a Friday and have struggled for 7 weeks to wrap my head around the fact that day 1 of each week is Friday, rather than Monday, the typical start date for me for any schedule for any week. It throws me off all the time and when I wrote the plan, I wrote it with Monday in mind as day 1. Why complicate things? Changing habits is already hard enough without adding unnecessary chaos. Therefore, I will not weight for 3 days and pick up right where I left off. That does not mean I will be out of control on my eating. I know what to eat, how much to eat, the importance of drinking my water, etc. I just won’t have an eating guide in front of me, be blogging or weighing until Monday morning. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

justWEIGHT – Feb. 18 - Week #7 – Day #7 (Day 49 of 365 – same weight today) Total loss 9.0, 43 to go!

Reality seemed to start creeping in on the car ride home. Not being able to get comfortable in the seat due to lack of sleep and about 10,000 extra calories for the weekend. Thinking about facing the scale in the morning is obviously going to be doom and gloom. Most days I find the daily quote truly encouraging and right on track, but seeing Enthusiasm Is Contagious seemed a bit off today as I don’t feel enthusiasm about much of anything except crawling into bed tonight. Although a very busy week ahead, I did unpack and sit down with Week #8 and the grocery list. Interestingly enough, it did perk my enthusiasm. I don’t like feeling this sluggish from overeating. Snacking on cheese, crackers and dip along with all the wonderful, but very fattening meals, has left me waddling like a duck. What happened to the water??? I seemed to have forgotten all about it the past few days. Okay, gear up. One day at a time. Here we go.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

justWEIGHT – Feb. 17 - Week #7 – Day #6 (Day 48 of 365 – lost .6 today) Total loss 9.0, 43 to go!

Okay, so today I completely abandoned ship. We are staying in the most wonderful B&B, slept late and found fresh coffee, juice and lots and lots of pastries. Rather than dressing & going in to town, I grabbed a couple of muffins, cup of coffee, went out and stuck my feet in the hot tub and watched the deer run around the meadow. No kidding, I know it sounds like a fairy tale and it was, but it was a true fairy tale. Sometime late morning, I managed to put on sweats and tennis shoes and took a long stroll around the property for just a little exercise. Nothing but exploring the rest of the afternoon and the day ended with the most wonderful dinner starting with a toast and ending with champagne. I truly took the day off from the justWEIGHT plan and needed it. Checking tonight rather than this morning, I see today’s bit of wisdom read, Easy Balance. I think this is what I did today and tomorrow is back to work.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

justWEIGHT – Feb. 16 - Week #7 – Day #5 (Day 47 of 365 – gained .4 today) Total loss 8.4, 43.6 to go!

Once again the timing on my daily reminder was perfect. Eat Out & Stay True To Yourself. If you read my blog yesterday, you are aware that I left this morning for a weekend with the girls. We left early this morning (breakfast at home) and arrived at our beautiful B&B just before noon. Lunch today was at a very well known cafĂ© where I was able to substitute my justWEIGHT plan peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a club sandwich. I ate only half the sandwich, about half my chips, drank my water and guess what, no one noticed a thing. We shopped all afternoon which I know burned some of the calories and had dinner this evening at a wonderful restaurant. I just thought meat, vegetable and salad, had one glass of wine, left the bread alone, and two bites of a shared dessert. Somehow, I don’t think the 30 minutes in the hot tub melted away any calories, but all in all, I think I had a pretty good food day.

Monday, February 15, 2010

justWEIGHT – Feb. 15 - Week #7 – Day #4 (Day 46 of 365 – lost .4 today) Total loss 8.8, 43.2 to go!

Determination is a much needed reminder today. Yesterday was a good day with a loss of .4 pounds which I consider a major success. A few days ago we were reminded that personal time is a necessity and I couldn’t agree more. Tomorrow, I am leaving with five girlfriends for a bed and breakfast weekend in a wonderful quaint German town full of wonderful shopping, music, and you guessed it…..restaurants. Now none of these friends are aware of my little year-long venture and I intend to keep it that way. There is nothing like ruining someone else’s time by being picky and getting attention on a vacation weekend full of fun. Here is my promise to myself and to you…..”I am DETERMINED to take my daily menu sheets in my purse, look at them, memorize my daily encouragement phrase, and practice rational substitution and portion control one day at a time because no one can do it for you.” Stay tuned………..

Sunday, February 14, 2010

justWEIGHT – Feb. 14 - Week #7 – Day #3 (Day 45 of 365 – same weight today) Total loss 8.4, 43.6 to go!

Went to a dinner party tonight and feel very fortunate to weigh the same. There are No Shortcuts. That should be easy for me to remember as I am a professional dieter. It has always been those “quick weight loss” schemes for me in the past and it is a real adjustment for me to take it slow and easy…but it is working. I am still about two pounds ahead of schedule on weight loss and am in day 45. I have now lost 8.4 pounds. It does not sound like a lot. No one outside my family has noticed. I still don’t tell people because I guess I have that fear factor of failing. It seems once I make the announcement there is no turning back. You may wonder why I would even say that unless you, too, are an experienced dieter. Then you understand perfectly. I’m working on that because I know it is just an excuse. I also know there are no shortcuts and that is why I created the justWEIGHT plan in the first place. I still remind myself every day what my doctor said, “Lose a pound a week for a year and you will never gain it back.” I am 2 pounds ahead!