Saturday, March 6, 2010

justWEIGHT – Mar. 6 – Week #9 – Day #6(Day 65 of 365 lost 1.4) Total loss 9.2, 42.8 to go!

Do you think we can make or break ourselves? I certainly do, at least most of the time. Circumstances in life sometime shift our gears, but mostly we have our own hands on the controls. There is a fine line between most opposites, you know, right and wrong, which road to take, get off your bottom and move or take the easy road and sit. It all boils down to choices. Do I eat it or not. Is it a fair substitution or not. Do I finish my water or not. Today my husband and I went to a sporting clay’s event. We had the opportunity to ride around the course in a cart to watch the participants, and the weather was absolutely perfect. Rather than ride, I opted to walk that half mile and enjoy nature and take advantage of a small bit of exercise. It’s just Attitude! Attitude! Attitude! Have a talk with yourself today and get that attitude heading in the right direction. I just did…for today at least.

Friday, March 5, 2010

justWEIGHT – Mar. 5 – Week #9 – Day #5(Day 64 of 365 – gained 1 pound) Total loss 7.8, 44.2 to go!

Banish Negative Thoughts – I am normally a pretty positive person. It just always makes for a better day. There is not usually much you can do about most circumstances anyway if they are things out of your control. I do, however, seem to get a bit negative when I don’t do a very good job of making the best out of a situation when I can. One weakness that has become apparent to me is eating my fruits. Most days of the justWEIGHT plan have enough fruit, but I don’t always get it in each day. Often, I would rather have a piece of cheese or a protein bar. Sometimes, when I have overeaten on meat or bread, I forfeit the fruit at that meal to balance calories. That’s not good. Fruit is very important as are your vegetables. Bottom line, I am going to stick with the fruits and vegetables listed on the plan or make appropriate substitutions within the same food group. Stay positive.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

justWEIGHT – Mar. 4 – Week #9 – Day #4(Day 63 of 365 – gained 1 pound) Total loss 8.8, 43.2 to go!

Be Content With Your Progress – Let’s cut to the core, I am not content with my progress. It’s a great thought. It’s a positive thought. Here’s my story. This is day 63 of the justWEIGHT plan for me and this is the first day I am behind on this journey. Yes, it is only .2 pounds, but I never wanted to go into the red. Yesterday I claimed to have followed the plan about 25% of the time. I think that might have been a stretch. Tonight, there was not a single exchange I could make to justify the apple cobbler I ate that was on the table in front of me. Should I be content with a total weight loss in 63 days of 8.8 pounds? Probably. A nutritionist would say that is perfect. Slow and steady, remember? .2 pounds should be easy to overcome, but not if I can’t get control of myself and be disciplined. I’m thinking I need to start walking!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

justWEIGHT – Mar. 3 – Week #9 – Day #3(Day 62 of 365 – lost 1 pound) Total loss 9.8, 42.2 to go!

Take it from me, a very humbling experience is getting on the scale after a big day of gaining and see that you have indeed lost. Today it is 1 pound. After the nightmare of yesterday’s gain, I was better today, not perfect, but better. I actually anticipated a weight gain as my weight, gain or loss, seems to continue over several days of splurging. I am elated! It was merely a setback to deal with and move on. In the past, I would have used that gain as a time to talk myself into quitting completely and thinking I would do this weight loss thing another time. One of the best things that came out of the “Feeder” party for me was being in on a conversation among several ladies. One had the lap-band surgery and the other gastric bypass. Both had horror stories and one of them had been in intensive care for weeks. That conversation just made me stronger and more determined than ever to conquer this beast naturally. My pocket friend today wisely says, Build Your Foundation. The foundation for me is eating right using the justWEIGHT plan as my guide.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

justWEIGHT – Mar. 2 – Week #9 – Day #2 (Day 61 of 365 – gained 1.4) Total loss 8.8, 43.2 to go!

As I have mentioned in an earlier blog, our worst enemy is “the Feeder”. It turns out the Feeder is any person you are around that encourages you to eat things you are not supposed to eat. They are sabotage extraordinaire! I had one of those days today feeling pretty cocky about doing so well and ate just a couple of cookies and a hand full of almonds this afternoon because I was going to dinner with girlfriends for one of their birthdays and knew in the back of my mind that I would over-indulge tonight anyway and maybe, just maybe, this extra snack would curb my appetite. Sound familiar? Rationalization is amazing when you are arguing with yourself. One friend called and asked if I wanted to meet her early and have a glass of wine while we waited, and being the good friend that I am, said of course. The special at the restaurant was nothing I could even begin to substitute for today’s menu, but it sounded so incredible and came with dessert! How could I say no? Gaining 1.4 pounds, that’s how. Yes, that’s correct, 1.4. Stay Away From “The Feeder” should have been on my mind all day. The wake-up call here is that the “Feeder” is the weak side of me. I’ve got to get away from that girl!

Monday, March 1, 2010

justWEIGHT – Mar. 1 – Week #9 – Day #1 (Day 60 of 365 – lost 1 pound) Total loss 10.2, 41.8 to go!

It was Monday morning grocery shopping early for me today. Apparently I am a slow learner, but have realized that if I get this done early in the day, the rest of my day, and week, seem better prepared. With a brown bag lunch meeting, I will eat a tuna salad, crackers and carrots before I leave. Armed with enthusiasm today, due to a 1.2 weight loss for Week #8, I am strong and determined. If you are thinking that’s nothing to write home about, you obviously are not a lifetime “dieter”. Believe me, 1.2 pounds is a true success story. As you know, my goal is 1 pound a week and to date, my average weekly weight loss following the justWEIGHT plan, I am very proud to announce, is 1.28!!! Right on track and not bad if I do say so myself. Grocery Shop Weekly

Sunday, February 28, 2010

justWEIGHT – Feb. 28 – Week #8 – Day #7 (Day 59 of 365 – lost 1 pound) Total loss 9.2, 43.8 to go

Today wraps up the end of week #8. I have had good days and bad, but over the course of the past 59 days, I have lost 9.2 pounds. It has been slow. I have probably had only 25% of those days that I have either been able or been willing to follow the justWEIGHT plan exactly as printed or making correct substitutions. On the other hand, that’s what this weight loss plan is about. Substituting foods you have on hand or substituting foods you are offered for the right foods in the plan and having those daily menus in your head or in your pocket. The handwriting is on the wall…portion control, saying no. It’s the planning, thinking, and getting right back on track that are key. Do Not Get Discouraged.